Oqeani Indian Ishujt Vanilje Pro Am Tours

vaniljegolf | eTurboNews | eTN
Shkruar nga Juergen T Steinmetz

The Vanilla Islands Pro Am Tours is a golfing event organised successively on two islands in the Indian Ocean. It is a golf competition combined with discovering the islands. The 3rd edition, which took place between the 10 and 20 December, brought French golfers to La Reunion on the Bourbon Golf Club and Bassin Bleu…

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  • The 3rd edition, which took place between the 10 and 20 December, brought French golfers to La Reunion on the Bourbon Golf Club and Bassin Bleu….
  • The Vanilla Islands Pro Am Tours is a golfing event organised successively on two islands in the Indian Ocean.
  • It is a golf competition combined with discovering the islands.


Rreth Autorit

Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz ka punuar vazhdimisht në industrinë e udhëtimeve dhe turizmit që kur ishte adoleshent në Gjermani (1977).
Ai themeloi eTurboNews në 1999 si gazeta e parë në internet për industrinë globale të turizmit të udhëtimit.

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